In our ongoing series spotlighting our products, we honed in on our incredible foamers. These are products that help get your jobs, Alkota squeaky clean.
Foamers are a great tool to help keep your fleet clean. The foamer is a quick-connect accessory that will help your detergents cling and clean better. A foamer has a knob with adjustable spray patterns. The unit requires a minimum of 1.8 to 5.3 GPM and a minimum of 1000 psi to a maximum of 5000 psi. It comes with a 1-liter detergent bottle and can shoot a dense foam spray pattern up to 20 feet away.
You can also remove the 1-liter bottle and put a 20 to 30 ft – ¼” chemical line and chemical check valve/screen at the end and inject at about 20 to 30%.
When mixing detergent for the 1-liter bottle, it’s recommended to put one to three ounces of detergent into 16 ounces of water to get the proper dilution of detergent.
Using Foamers
To use the foamer you simply apply the detergent onto the surface you are cleaning. The aeration process goes through a screen in the foamer that combines with air and gives a thick soapy mixture onto the vehicle; the foamer will give you the same appearance of applying shaving cream. Give the detergent a dwell time of about 60 seconds or so and rinse. It’s recommended to switch the nozzle 15° or 25° spray nozzle – clean and rinse.
Foamers Wrapped Up
When cleaning the foamer, it has an aeration unit screen inside. It’s important to rinse out the bottle and run clean water through the nozzle. Once rinsed, you are ready for the next time you want to use it. It’s best to use soft water to allow the foamer to work better with your detergents. It’s also recommended to keep a spare screen, see parts list above. Please see the video link for a demonstration of a foamer.